Saturday, September 5, 2009

Aspiring Cake Maker!!

Yesterday I thought of the idea to bake a cake for my mom for her birthday. I texted her and asked what her favorite candy bar was. She had no clue what I was doing. She thought I was buying her twix or something. So, I went to the store and bought all the stuff I thought I would need to make this awesome cake. After one attempt at getting the cake out of the pan I was unsuccessful. But, cake #2 came out fine! Thank goodness! Cuz, I was starting to get sick of a making just cake. Even though I only had made one unsuccessful one. I finally got it right and started decorating. It's really hard to get gold icing let me tell you all the trial and errors. but, me and meg finally got what we thought was close enough to gold. Here is the Final product!!


Rappleye Family said...

Ha ha!! Glad you got it!! Looks like a succesful cake! Did you ever try Partyland?

Curt, Julie, Claire and Andrew said...

So cute! I love it! I have always wanted to take a cake decorating class. You don't even need lessons!