Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tis The Season!

Well! It's that time of year again!When you get to eat all the yummy goodies and have celebrations and parties with people you love! I love this time of year...Especially when I think back a year ago Chris and I held hands for the first time!! Wow, it seems just like yesterday we were doing the whole dating thing. We were at temple square and I really wanted to hold his hand so, I would walk really close to him and bump into him with my hand to kind of give him a hint. Well, it worked! We held hands for the first time. It was amazing. Now a year later and we have been married almost 7 months now. Oh how time flies when you are having fun. I love this time of year when I get to spend my time with family and friends and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. I'm so thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ and I love that we can reflect upon Him especially this season.   

I'm excited to make new years resolutions! I'm so excited to have Chris help me be motivated to do them. He is such a great support to me. And I will help him in all of his!